Desmidiological Communications

Guidelines for authors

  1. The most important guideline: For an example, see a recent issue.
  2. Contributions are possible on all kinds of topics, from excursion reports to (semi-) scientific treatises, the length is not limited but the editors will shorten contributions where necessary to increase readability.
  3. Short questions and announcements are also welcome (if relevant, ask the editor for the next publication date).
  4. The editors will, if necessary, engage external reviewers to assess manuscripts.
  5. The contributions are in principle written in Dutch, but if there is a good reason to do so, they may also be written in English. Consult with the editors.
  6. Contribution is open to everyone.
  7. An English summary can be added to a contribution written in Dutch if necessary.
  8. Contributions are submitted in Word, with as little layout as possible.
  9. Very important: photos, tables, etc. should not be submitted between the text but at the very end or rather in separate files. 
  10. For the way of citing literature: see a recent issue for an example.
  11. Include literature references in the text as follows. For one author: (surname, year); For two authors: (surname & surname, year); For three or more authors: (last name of 1st author et al., year).
  12. Structure of the literature list: heading Literature. Below that in alphabetical order by last name. First surname, then initials, then any prefixes, comma year period. Title point. Edition (name comma place dot). If specific pages, then no period, but colon, 1st page - last page period. If two authors: Surname 1st author, initials, any prefixes & initials 2nd author, any prefixes, surname comma year period, etc. If three authors or more: Surname 1st author, initials, any prefixes comma initials 2nd author, any prefixes, surname & or comma initials 3rd author, any prefixes, surname etc. comma year period etc.
  13. At least 1-2 photos of desmids should be added to each article. The photos must have a tick mark or an indication of the size of a cell. Photos must be submitted in the highest possible resolution, if necessary via WeTransfer. Photographs must also include the photographer.
  14. Species names in an article should be written in italic .
  15. Species names are in principle followed by Coesel & Meesters (2007, 2013). For names that do not appear there, the relevant literature is mentioned unless the name may be assumed to be known.
  16. Species names are only provided with author names if there is reason to do so, for example if it concerns a taxonomic treatise.
  17. When writing, make sure that there are sufficient and informative subheadings. That increases readability.
  18. References to tables, figures (eg graphs) and photographs in the text are as follows: (table x), (fig. x) or (photo x). Captions tables, figures and photos as follows: Table x point Title; Fig point x point Title; Photo x point Title. Preferably submit tables as an Excel file. Or create it using tab setting (not with spaces).

Final editing : Bart van Tooren , Marien van Westen